Get to the heart of the matter. 88% of healthcare facilities used locum tenens doctors in 2021, including locum tenens cardiologists. Working as a locum tenens cardiologist lets you improve people’s heart health while managing your own schedule and traveling across the country.
However, you shouldn’t sign up to be a cardiologist just yet. You must study the locum tenens cardiology salary to pay the bills and find the right job opportunities. Here’s what you must know about cardiology salaries for locum tenens doctors.
Cardiology Baseline Salaries
The Bureau of Labor Statistics offers the most accurate information for cardiology salaries. The mean annual wage for a cardiologist is $421,330, while the mean hourly wage is $202.56.
However, salaries vary significantly depending on where the cardiologist works. Cardiologists in outpatient care centers earn an annual wage of $442,410, while those working in colleges and universities earn $95,460 annually. Doctors who work in the Nashville metro area earn nearly $500,000 a year, making it the best area for cardiologists. Tennessee is one of the highest-paying states for doctors, so consider living there.
Locum tenens cardiologists earn an average of $280,995 a year or $135.09 an hour. Though locum tenens doctors earn less than professionals with permanent positions, they have additional perks. They have flexibility with their schedules and employers. They can travel to wherever they want and work in rural, suburban, and urban areas.
Related: Cardiologist Salary: How Much Do Heart Doctors Make?
Salary Increases
The average cardiology salary rose by nearly 7% between 2020 and 2021. Cardiologist salaries will go up as time passes. Many Americans already have heart health problems, which worsen and become more common as the population ages. Demand for cardiologists will increase, driving up salaries.
It’s hard to predict how much the salary of locum tenens cardiologists will increase. But you should expect to earn more money, regardless of how much experience you will have. You can also get more money by figuring out healthcare reimbursement, which lets you receive payments from insurers.
Do you want to build up your experience and get a high locum tenens cardiology salary? Contact Daily Care Solutions, and we’ll set up an appointment with a locum tenens expert.

Some subspecialties earn more money than others. Electrophysiologists diagnose and treat problems with the heart’s electrical system, including conditions like atrial fibrillation. They earn an average annual salary of $678,495, one of the highest medical salaries.
Interventional cardiologists place catheters in the heart and blood vessels, earning $674,910 annually. Invasive cardiologists perform procedures like angioplasties, though they can help insert catheters. They earn $438,555 yearly on average, with some earning more than $600,000. Cardiac transplant surgeons earn $652,600 yearly.
You should consider pursuing a subspecialty if you are a locum tenens cardiologist. You will earn more money, stand out from competing doctors, and find job opportunities that fit your skillset and experience. While in medical school, you should take classes in a few different specialties and work alongside specialized doctors. You can start working as a locum tenens doctor while in school.
Related: What Is Locum Tenens?
Bonus Opportunities
Many cardiologists qualify for incentive bonuses, including locum tenens professionals. The average incentive bonus for cardiologists is $85,000. Some people are paid upfront, while others receive bonuses for every year they work.
Locum tenens professionals may get smaller bonuses, but you can still earn tens of thousands just for signing up for a job. Job recruiters will mention how much their incentive bonuses are in their job postings, so look for those details as you’re applying for jobs.
You can ask for a bonus, but be careful. Do not ask for one during your locum interview, as you risk seeming greedy or too focused on the money. Ask for one after you’ve built a rapport with your employer and developed job experience. Do your research on inflation and job salary increases, and ask for a specific figure based on your research.
You can also apply for promotions to make more money. You may become a temporary supervisor or help teach and train other locum tenens doctors. A medical facility may hire you as a full-time employee after working as a temporary one. Understand how much your salary will increase before you take on the position. If the salary increase is low, keep your current job.
Are you looking for lucrative jobs right now? Sign up to be a locum tenens cardiologist with Daily Care Solutions.
Gender Pay Gap
Women physicians make more than $100,000 less than male doctors. No healthcare specialty pays women more than men, including cardiology. The pay gap is shrinking; the gap was 28% in 2021 and 26% in 2022. As demand for cardiologists increases, the gap may shrink further. But it’s unclear when the salaries between men and women will be equal, if ever.

Multiple Jobs
Some cardiologists work two or more jobs to make more money. They may have a full-time job at a hospital and perform hourly work at an outpatient center. Some cardiologists teach, lecture, or write books and articles for extra money.
Locum tenens cardiologists may have an easier time balancing multiple jobs. You can find opportunities that last only a few weeks while you maintain a position that lasts several months. If you want time to pursue independent projects like books, you can do them after you’ve finished your current job.
Even if you’re making good money now, you may want to take a second job or side gig to develop more experience. You can also connect with other cardiologists, making it easier to obtain a higher-paid position.
You can also take per diem jobs. You will work at-will and on-call for a medical facility, fulfilling their cardiology needs. Most per diem doctors work when facilities have a high patient load or need to give their full-time staffers a break. You will perform the same work you do for other positions while making quick money.
Related: Per Diem vs. Locum Tenens
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