There is a reason many nurse practitioners are thinking about becoming locum tenens nurse practitioners. This unique position has a lot of advantages to it that give it an edge over the traditional pathway.
So, why are people making this choice? What advantages are there to taking a locum tenens position?
This article will explore these questions. By the end of it, you will more fully understand how locum tenens positions are different and how these differences create unique advantages.
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Demand Is High For Locum Tenens
In the job market, a high-demand position is always a good thing. During economic downturns, finding a job, let alone one you are qualified for, may be difficult. Plus, even if you have a job, positions with low demand often will be cut first. Luckily, demand is high for nurse practitioners as it tends to be one of the professions with the highest demand. However, the demand for locum tenens nurse practitioners tends to be even higher. People in these positions rarely struggle to find a job, especially in specific cases.
This demand is particularly high in certain areas. These include rural places and autonomous practice states. It is also particularly high for certain specialties. Behavioral health, primary care, and acute care are all in demand. You would have a much easier time finding a position as a locum tenens nurse, especially in one of these specialties.
Flexible Schedules for Locum Tenens
Scheduling can be one of the biggest gripes in the nursing profession. Demanding schedules have been shown to contribute to nursing burnout and lower job satisfaction.
Luckily, scheduling is a lot easier for locum tenens. This is in large part because of the flexibility. You can create a schedule that works for you by working with your recruiter. This could see you only working a few days a week, or it could have you working as many hours as you can. You can even fine-tune the details, such as choosing never to be on call.
This makes it easy to work as locum tenens in whatever capacity you choose. It can be your main job. Or, it can be something you do to supplement income from your main job. In either case, you can work it out to your advantage.
Ready to take advantage of the benefits of locum tenens positions? Check out the careers available for nurse practitioners!

Better Pay For Locum Tenens
Many factors contribute to creating job satisfaction. However, pay is the top contributor to overall job satisfaction. Without adequate compensation, you will not be satisfied with your job.
This is another area where locum tenens nurse practitioners have an advantage. These positions often pay more than their permanent counterparts. This is a huge advantage overall and is something that most people consider when switching to these positions. Plus, the pay for these positions can be even greater if the position is extended, as this opens the door for negotiating even higher pay.
Locum tenens nurse practitioners also have a few other financial advantages. For one, they are paid hourly. So, if you end up working over 40 hours, you will be paid overtime, which is a rarity for most salaried nurses. In addition, most travel expenses are covered, so things like car expenses and even housing end up being taken care of for you. These are little costs that, when put together, add up in a significant way.
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Providing Patient Care as Locum Tenens
For many nurses, providing care for patients is one of the most rewarding aspects of the job. Watching them grow healthier and progress in their treatment is an experience unlike any other. Because of this, many fear that locum tenens positions are not for them, as the experience is only temporary.
However, locum tenens are often able to provide the same level of care for all of their patients. These positions don’t prevent you from helping people; they just limit your time to do so. However, even this limitation isn’t final. Many locum tenens nurse practitioners end up working at the same location for a long period of time. This lets them spend plenty of time with their favorite patients.
In addition, locum tenens nurse practitioners get to meet a wider variety of people. Since their jobs have the potential to take them to new and different places, they get to meet people from all walks of life. This keeps the position fresh and interesting.
Training for Locum Tenes
Locum tenens nurse practitioners often jump from healthcare facility to healthcare facility. At each facility, different structures will be in use. Typically, these places store their records differently or handle their patient systems differently. As someone working at the facility, you need to know the ins and outs of their particular system.
This puts you in a unique position. You will receive paid training at each workplace, which many people find enjoyable overall. It also allows you to learn more about the different ways in which different facilities operate. This knowledge makes you a better worker and gives you a greater chance of standing out at your job.
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Unique Licensing For Locum Tenens
The licenses and requirements in the healthcare industry are becoming a topic of discussion as healthcare credentialing becomes more important. Healthcare facilities must ensure that their healthcare providers are suited for their positions.
Locum tenens nurse practitioners may work in several different states and, thus, may be accountable to the requirements of several different states. This has some potential benefits to it. For example, the requirements in a particular state may be too strict for you, and your current experience may not be suitable. However, those in a few different states may work better. As a traditional nurse practitioner, you would be limited in your choice. Yet, as a locum tenens nurse practitioner, you are not.

Are the Benefits of Locum Tenens for Nurse Practitioners Right For You?
Locum tenens nurse practitioners are in a unique position. They have the potential to achieve higher demand, a greater degree of flexibility, better pay, and more. All of this is available to them without sacrificing the perks that come with traditional nurse practitioner positions. As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for a traditional nurse practitioner to consider a locum tenens position.
Related: Per Diem vs. Locum Tenens: Which One is For You
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